It would be nice if they would actually ask a capitalist how to save capitalism. Netflix does not have a clue and they think they are doing a service to the American people by featuring a man (Reich) who actually hates capitalism. It is like asking Karl Marx what he would do to save capitalism. We've heard it all before: Capitalist corporations exploit workers, they pay too little and they are crooks. Robert Reich was an Obama favorite who once suggested that Obama's jobs program ensure that only minorities got jobs. How can an anti-capitalist save capitalism? Here's the answer:
Anti-capitalists are ruining capitalism by interfering in the free market.
It is the old "men must sacrifice if we are to have a Utopian future" lie.
Orwell taught us about the evil of the Big Lie. Progressives think he was making a suggestion. Goebbels would be proud while Orwell would have said, "I warned you."