Monday, December 31, 2018

Taking Credit

Please note: I am the first person who discovered the significance of the "Dolphin and Anchor" motif as an indication that Titus was the model for Jesus. I discovered this in 2007 and recorded it in a dated document which I still possess. I made one person aware of this at the time and shared the document with him. I published an edited version of this document in my book Unkilling Jesus which I published in 2015. I am also the first person that I know of who has published a suggestion that Peter was actually Josephus, the man who led "the Church" (Really the Titus Cult) in the first century AD. Many of the things attributed in the Bible to Peter were very likely done by Josephus as the first person to recognize the divinity of the Flavians and who went about the empire preaching the power of these three men.

Other suggestions I have made:

  • That Paul actually met Titus on the Road to Damascus
  • That Paul went to Rome with Josephus as a captive of the Flavians
  • That Paul actually wrote many of his works while employed by the Flavians
  • That Paul was killed by Domitian not Nero
  • That Peter (Josephus) was also killed by Domitian not Nero
  • That Paul may have been both Justus son of Pistus and Appolonius of Tyana - the word Pistus is Greek for "faith" or "persuaded by faith" so Justus/Paul was a man persuaded by faith in Jesus - this is not the only clue
  • I showed how the timelines of Paul, Josephus and Jesus/Titus were changed, exposed the contradictions in the timeline and showed that many of the acts of Titus were back-dated and attributed to Jesus
  • I analyzed the works of Suetonius and found the Christian connections in his works
  • I provided a theory on how the gospels were written and why, as well as how and why Titus's name became Jesus
  • I exposed the origins of the Last Supper and put Paul on the scene

Other discoveries can be found in my books:

Unkilling Jesus
Domitian: the Final Messiah
Paul's Agon and the Mystification of History
How they Wrote the Gospels

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Jobs or Moldy Cheese?

Have you ever noticed that the richest people on the planet have made millions by improving our lives and work? Yet, they are considered evil because they made a profit. Henry Ford lightened our travel, J. D. Rockefeller gave us better energy to power our machines. Steve Jobs, helped us organize ourselves and communicate better. Bill Gates made us more productive and richer. But they weren't considered good men until they started giving away their riches to people who had not earned them.
The richest men in the world have done the most good in comparison to the do-gooders who claim to love the poor. The rich eliminated poverty by giving us jobs. The whiners created poverty by destroying production. The whiners kept people poor by giving them the money of the rich.
If Bill Gates had taken the money he borrowed to create Microsoft and given it to the poor, would there be a Microsoft? How many poor would there be? So when you hear people saying "Be kind to others" you are hearing the most inefficient way of helping others. The best way to help people is to invest your money in a profit-seeking company. It will also help you too.
I've always said, give people a job not a block of moldy cheese.