Other suggestions I have made:
- That Paul actually met Titus on the Road to Damascus
- That Paul went to Rome with Josephus as a captive of the Flavians
- That Paul actually wrote many of his works while employed by the Flavians
- That Paul was killed by Domitian not Nero
- That Peter (Josephus) was also killed by Domitian not Nero
- That Paul may have been both Justus son of Pistus and Appolonius of Tyana - the word Pistus is Greek for "faith" or "persuaded by faith" so Justus/Paul was a man persuaded by faith in Jesus - this is not the only clue
- I showed how the timelines of Paul, Josephus and Jesus/Titus were changed, exposed the contradictions in the timeline and showed that many of the acts of Titus were back-dated and attributed to Jesus
- I analyzed the works of Suetonius and found the Christian connections in his works
- I provided a theory on how the gospels were written and why, as well as how and why Titus's name became Jesus
- I exposed the origins of the Last Supper and put Paul on the scene
Unkilling Jesus https://amzn.to/2Sw1wKb
Domitian: the Final Messiah https://amzn.to/2Rinrrd
Paul's Agon and the Mystification of History https://amzn.to/2SvxIgM
How they Wrote the Gospels https://amzn.to/2Roa1K3