Tuesday, April 7, 2020

An Open Letter to President Donald Trump on the Coronavirus

Dear, Mr. President,

Who do people want saving them from a pandemic? One doctor sitting at a desk, looking at spreadsheets and deciding who to fund and who to put out of business - or thousands of doctors and businesspeople working on a myriad of concepts and cures, using their free minds and scientific methods to come up with cures, products and delivery systems? It is your choice.

The dark and middle ages were times of ignorance. People didn't even know there were such things as microbes, molecules and bacteria. Therefore, they had frequent plagues and millions of lives lost to disease. For our government to tell the most intelligent people in history to live in the dark ages is an insult to the human mind.

Should we really have to stay in our homes while disease festers in the corners of our buildings like they did in the dark ages? This would put our lives in the hands of "technocrats" who think they know better what we should do. If we want to defeat this disease, we need free markets full of intelligent people who can come up with solutions virtually overnight and test them in the marketplace. We don't need a government agency full of desk-sitting doctors to approve every move made and who prohibit us from intelligently testing innovative cures. The marketplace will find the cure, and scientific testing is much better than the bureaucrat (who claims to be a scientist) who tells us what we can't do. In fact, if we want to put our lives in the hands of a bureaucrat, we will surely die.

So, I'm watching tv tonight and I see this doctor say that we need to shutdown the economy for 18 months. I look at him and recognize him. He is the man who wrote the Affordable Care Act and who defended it constantly on television and made all kinds of "political" statements about Republicans, etc., etc. He is also a supporter of Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton. This man is not going to be our "savior" but our executioner. Don't you see who stands to gain from keeping people out of work? Need I say more? 

Is the government slow walking the recovery because they want to cover their own a**es? Why does Dr. Fauci tell us to wait until Fall? What is he hiding? What are his conflicts of interests? Why does he say we'll have this under control in the Fall? This is unacceptable. Yet you were able to put up an embassy in Jerusalem in a matter of weeks when it was projected to take over a year to do. Why are you waiting so patiently and caving to these people? Are you going to allow the FDA and other agencies to block a cure when all you have to do is temporarily rescind all regulations until the job of defeating the virus is complete? Then you could decide if regulations are necessary at all. If you wait for these bureaucrats, how many thousands will have died in the meantime? What about now? What about all the products already available and being developed? I think Fauci is trying to buy political time, trying to make excuses for inaction. All I get from him is wait, wait, wait. I'm not buying it.

Keep in mind, by the time the Fall comes around, there will likely be no Social Security, no Medicare, no welfare, no jobs and no economy and, likely a lot of us will no longer be around when we could have been saved by the free market solution already out there and being developed. You need to tell Dr. Fauci to take another job and put a free marketer like Steve Moore in charge of the economy. Stop giving doctors veto power over our economic recovery. There are thousands of people who are not going back to their jobs because they've been told to stay home. There are thousands who have been released from the hospital, thousands with no symptoms and thousands that are immune. What are they waiting for? You and your leadership.
Why should people be half-dead before they can be tested? Why can't we also concentrate on identifying the people with immunities so they can get back to work? You should announce an emergency program to test all Americans within two weeks and give healthy Americans a certificate to get back to work. This should start tomorrow. Stop wasting time with meetings and phone calls. Make a decision and get a free market person in charge and get rid of some of those people who just want to cheerlead and get nothing done.

I would rather go around with a mini-hazmat mask if it means working and making money. As you have said so often, it is regulations that are slowing down our economy. Get rid of them, cancel them, temporarily, if you must. We need to restore capitalism, let American ingenuity get to work and not make things worse with more spending. Spending what for what? You are letting American ingenuity stand on the sidelines and spending money.

You need to make a statement. Stop saying that you want Americans to get back to work and tell Americans to determine for themselves how to do their jobs. Tell them to find their own ways to fight the virus. People are waiting for leadership. You need to liberate the free market and tell people to get back to work. Stop listening to all these bureaucrats and liberate yourself from their influence so you can liberate us.


Robert Villegas, Jr.